Emojis (/iː-moʊ-giːs/) or just (emo-gees) are the little happy faces you see on iPhones.
You have to have
hardware 2.2+ to even
They're really
. The icons are actually part of a
standard. There was a Unicode convention held a number of times in the past years where they decide on these things.^_^
This site will allow you to convert them into a viewable format
and Create messages out of
so that you can
them elsewhere or
OST a link to your creation on fb. !!!!
Link To Your
Creation On The Web
iPhone Emoji: Clapboard
Description: A black and white striped clapboard used when producing movies to identify the scene and time.
Category Description: Games, Parties, Clothes, Musical Instruments, Food
Use The iEmoji Categories Page if you're looking for an updated list of emoji names and descriptions. Japanese Kanji iPhone Emoji names and descriptions included as well!