Emojis (/iː-moʊ-giːs/) or just (emo-gees) are the little happy faces you see on iPhones.
You have to have
hardware 2.2+ to even
They're really
. The icons are actually part of a
standard. There was a Unicode convention held a number of times in the past years where they decide on these things.^_^
This site will allow you to convert them into a viewable format
and Create messages out of
so that you can
them elsewhere or
OST a link to your creation on fb. !!!!
Link To Your
Creation On The Web
iPhone Emoji: Thumbs up!
Description: Good deal, this is a positive response.
Category Description: Smileys, Faces, Businessman Bowing, Man with Red Face, etc.
Use The iEmoji Categories Page if you're looking for an updated list of emoji names and descriptions. Japanese Kanji iPhone Emoji names and descriptions included as well!